
Javascript is invented by Brendan Eich who founded Mozilla and was briefly the CTO of Mozilla until he was fired because he doesn't support gay marriage. Although an old web technology but together with HLTML 5, they will define web technology of the future and has made flash redundant. One of the big plus of Javascript is that it is client-side or browser dependent technology.

You can also make use of toolkits and libraries like JQuery.

Timer app | 21 June 2024
Playing sound on Javascript | 15 June 2024
Tampermonkey change youtube logo | 18 May 2024
Javascript copy text | 1 Dec 2023
Python String into array | 25 July 2022
Setting and deleting cookies | 28 Jul 2021
Ajax search | 22 Aug 2019
Elements in a function | 29 Oct 2018
Rotating banner using Javascript array | 3 April 2014
onload, auto refresh reload and setInterval | 22 March 2013
NodeJS | 28 April 2015
Go top button function | 5 April 2011
Ajax : getElementById innerHTML and value | 15 December 2010
Tampermonkey autologin : getElementById | 5 December 2010
Show only one div at any one time | 8 September 2010
Tampermonkey replace text | 20 November 2023
Hide or Show javascript part 2 : getElementById | 11 November 2009
Javascript Redirect onClick | 30 October 2009
Javascript Back button | 29 October 2009
Search input value overwrite | 08 June 2009
Submit a Form Using JavaScript | 08 June 2009
Simple Popup | 08 June 2009
Hide or Show javascript part 1 | 13 March 2009
Lightbox | 13 March 2009


web security linux ubuntu python django git Raspberry apache mysql php drupal cake javascript css AWS data