
Posted under » Python on 21 March 2021

Django is an open-source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template (MVT) architectural pattern. Django 3 is released with async support. The current LTS version is 4.2.

Django's primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. Django emphasizes reusability and "pluggability" of components, less code, low coupling, rapid development, and the principle of don't repeat yourself.

Django SSL with Let's Encrypt | 23 July 2024
Using multiple databases in Django | 3 June 2023
Show all rows in Django template | 28 May 2023
Login page with Crispyforms Bootstrap5 | 13 April 2023
Home page in Django | 13 April 2023
Getting first row data without while loop | 19 Oct 2022
How to downgrade Python version to 3.8 in Ubuntu 22.04? | 1 Aug 2022
Django filter | 22 July 2022
Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken | 26 June 2022
Create array in Python (list) and Django | 24 May 2022
DRF API REST consume and request | 19 May 2022
DRF Request and Responses | 1 Oct 2021
DRF Serialization II | 30 Sep 2021
DRF Serialization II | 29 Sep 2021
DRF Serialization | 29 Sep 2021
DRF(Django REST Framework) installation | 23 Sep 2021
Difference between PHP and Python | 29 Jun 2021
Context and variables in template | 22 Jun 2021
Forms CGI | 18 Jun 2021
Forms Class widget and interacting with database | 17 Jun 2021
Django Forms class | 10 Jun 2021
Django - Paginator | 5 Jun 2021
Django - project templates | 7 May 2021
Django - Admin form extra | 7 May 2021
Django - API and generic views | 7 May 2021
Django - minimal form | 6 May 2021
Django Namespacing and URL | 6 May 2021
Django Views - details and 404 | 6 May 2021
Django Views - index and template | 6 May 2021
Django Admin | 6 May 2021
Django API | 5 May 2021
Django models using migrate | 5 May 2021
Static files | 30 April 2021
First django app | 29 April 2021
Installing Apache mod_wsgi for django | 23 April 2021
Start a django website using MySQL | updated 12 April 2023
Django | 23 April 2021
venv | 22 April 2021
Install Django framework using pip | 06 April 2021
Install MySQLclient using pip | 06 April 2021


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