LAMP Security

Posted under » System Admin 

The internet is a dangerous place. There is a trend now among security people to make a buck and persuade my clients to do this-and-that to secure their web servers.

Django SSL with Let's Encrypt | 23 July 2024
Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) | 08 December 2022
Apache config on Ubuntu 22.04 | updated 1 July 2022
Ubuntu LAMP version | updated 27 Apr 2024
.htacess password a web folder | 29 May 2021
Red Hat Type Enforcement CHCON | 27 Dec 2019
LAMP finetuning | 24 March 2017
Validation of forms against SQL injection or XSS attacks | 07 Feb 2017
Apache custom log filter on Ubuntu using SetEnvIf | 13 January 2016
Preventing password in the clear with PHP | 3 June 2015
Enable Apache Mod Rewrite(.htaccess) and Mod SSL | 11 November 2014
SSL v3 (POODLE) n Heartbleed Vulnerability | 15 October 2014
Secure cookies HttpOnly against XSS with Apache | 07 October 2014
The X-Frame clickjacking header Apache config | 01 October 2014
Disable directory indexes on Apache | 23 August 2013
Apache file permission | updated 4 Mar 2021
Enable or disable directory listing in Apache config : Part 1 | 20 August 2011
How to access Facebook behind firewall using Squid | updated 17 April 2023
Block ip by IPTABLES, a simple firewall alternative | 21 October 2013
Network stuff | 13 October 2009


web security linux ubuntu python django git Raspberry apache mysql php drupal cake javascript css AWS data