
Popular with Data Analysis, Linux and Raspberry Pi users. I also use this for AWS lambda functions. An alternative to PHP.

To open a shell, type 'python'. To know your version, type python -V or if you have more than one version then type 'python3 -V'. You can also install other versions of 2 & 3.

Installing pandoc for Jupyter | 14 July 2024
pause and loop | 03 July 2024
Python datetime | 20 Mar 2024
PyMongo = MongoDB Python | 7 Jan 2024
Getting the last row of a query | 7 Sep 2023
Beautiful Soup 4 - Web Scraping With Python | 4 Sep 2023
peewe basic and join queries | 25 Aug 2023
peewee Python ORM to connect to MySQL | 23 Aug 2023
Sharing var across functions using global var | 26 May 2023
Python String into array | 25 July 2022
How to downgrade Python version to 3.8 in Ubuntu 22.04? | 1 Aug 2022
String search in Python | 13 March 2009
Concate str with int or numbers using f | 08 June 2022
Create array in Python (list) and Django | 24 May 2022
sum, count and len | 14 March 2022
Streamlit config and suppressing errors | 22 Jan 2022
Streamlit password page | 13 Jan 2022
Apache Reverse Proxy Mod for Jupyter Notebook | 1 Jan 2022
Python replace string to insert MySQL | 08 Jul 2021
Difference between PHP and Python | 29 Jun 2021
Connect MySQL with pymysql | 27 May 2021
AWS Lambda to MySQL and API Gateway | 24 May 2021
venv | 22 April 2021
Install Apache Python mod_wsgi | 17 April 2021
Install MySQLclient using pip | 06 April 2021
Django | 21 March 2021
Python Data Analysis | 13 April 2023
Randomizer | 22 March 2012
imports and PYTHONPATH | 24 February 2010
Ubuntu aptget Python stuff | 08 December 2009
Installing Apache mod_python | 30 September 2009


web security linux ubuntu python django git Raspberry apache mysql php drupal cake javascript css AWS data