Posted under » PHP on 25 October 2009
Click here for an intro on sessions.
Put this on top of every page you want to password protect.
<¿php ob_start(); session_start(); // if no session ask to login if($_SESSION['logged'] != '7ede8dhas5'){ header("location:login.php"); exit; } ?>
Session thingies is all you need to know. If not sessioned, redirect to login.
login.php looks something like below.
<¿php // Start Sessions ob_start(); session_start(); // Show the login form $kontent = ""; // Check login if($_POST['action']=='1'){ // Get form data $_username = $_POST['username']; $_password = $_POST['password']; // Open file $_filename = "logindata.php"; $_handle = fopen($_filename, "r"); $_contents = fread($_handle, filesize($_filename)); fclose($_handle); // Divide all the users $_divide = explode("&", $_contents); // Check for the username $_array = 0; while($_divide[$_array] != ''){ list($username, $password, $email, $admin) = explode(";", $_divide[$_array]); if($username == $_username){ if($password == $_password){ // Set sessions and redirect $_SESSION['logged'] = '7ede8dhas5'; $_SESSION['username'] = $_username; header("location:contentslist.php"); }else{ $kontent .= "
Your username or password is incorrect.
$kontent .= "
Your username or password is incorrect.
// Logout data
if($_GET['do'] == 'logout'){
$_SESSION['logged'] = '';
$_SESSION['username'] = '';
$_SESSION['admin'] = '';
$kontent .= "
You have logged out.
Here is the logindata.php.
<¿php /*&hanafi;bradpit;;1&bob;Dempsey;;0&*/?>
Please do not use old method of session_register() and session_unregister(). It is depreciated and will no longer be available in PHP6.