Posted under » PHP on 2 Feb 2023
Please read the earlier article for using SQLite with PDO.
An simple example of extending the SQLite3 class and changing the __construct parameters, then using the open method to initialize the DB.
<¿php class MyDB extends SQLite3 { function __construct() { $this->open('mysqlitedb.db'); } } $db = new MyDB(); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE foo (bar STRING)'); $db->exec("INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('This is a test')"); $result = $db->query('SELECT bar FROM foo'); var_dump($result->fetchArray()); ?>
An example of the object oriented way.
<¿php class MyDB extends SQLite3 { function __construct() { $this->open('chinook.db'); } } $db = new MyDB(); if(!$db) { echo $db->lastErrorMsg(); } else { echo "Opened database successfully\n"; } $sql = 'SELECT * from customers'; $ret = $db->query($sql); while($row = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC) ) { echo "<p>ID = ". $row['CustomerId'] . "\n"; echo "
Name = ". $row['FirstName'] ."\n"; echo "
Lastname = ". $row['LastName'] ."\n"; echo "
Company = ".$row['Company'] ."\n\n"; } echo "<p>
Operation done successfully\n"; $db->close(); ?>