VPC and Security

Posted under » AWS on 10 May 2022

The Virtual Private Cloud is where your basic network setup for AWS lies. An example is vpc-0e6a33d179ff638b8

The security part are Network ACLs and Security Group(sg). It look like acl-08c1f95076afba809 and sg-0daa2cab9466a2b38. Inside it are inbound and outbound rules.

For inbound rules, here are some suggestions.

After you create a rule as above, a rule is created which look like sgr-0daa2cab9466a2b38

When you create a load balancer you create a load balancer sg. eg. for http and https.

So in the sg, when you want to link to the load balancer, then your http and https, you just link to the load balancer sg.

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