Posted under » PHP » MySQL » Ubuntu » Apache on 10 March 2012
Installing LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) used to be a tedius affair. Now things are much simpler.
AKA "the hard way". Install Apache first.
apt-get install apache2
Then MySQL
apt-get install mysql-server
Then PHP
apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-common
MySQLi error : Sometimes this for some reason MySQLi wasn't found. Then reinstall this
apt-get install php5-mysql
My experience is that sometimes the "MySQLi not found" shit will not go away.. So its best that we go the automated way below.
This works great on Ubuntu 20.04 and above.
apt-get install lamp-server^
If you want to install nginx instead use lemp-server. If for some reason nothing happens.
apt-get install tasksel tasksel
You have to restart the Apache service if you want MySQL to start
<¿php phpinfo(); ?>
For instructions on windows installation, please read here. For the official documentation.
You may wish to proceed in other PHP libraries.