Posted under » MySQL on 4 March 2014
Start mysql connection
$ mysql -u root --host= -p mysql> show databases; mysql> use taik; mysql> show tables; mysql> desc anjing; // describe or mysql> show columns from anjing; mysql> INSERT INTO `anjing` (`id`,`name`,`food`) VALUES (NULL, "John", "Casserole"); mysql> DELETE from anjing where name='Sandy';
There may be times when you want to update or insert more than 1 row.
mysql> INSERT INTO `anjing` (`id`,`name`,`food`) VALUES (NULL, "John", "Casserole"), (NULL, "Sandy", "Key Lime Tarts");
Please note the trailing semicolon. Without it, the command is not complete. Values can be NULL when the field is AUTO_INCREMENT.
mysql> SELECT * FROM anjing; +----+-------+----------------+ | id | name | food | +----+-------+----------------+ | 1 | John | Casserole | | 2 | Sandy | Key Lime Tarts | | 3 | Tom | BBQ | | 4 | Tina | Salad | +----+-------+----------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
To show only the field names
SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'actuals' AND table_schema = 'shimano'; +-------------------+ | column_name | +-------------------+ | id | | teacher_id | | training_type | | actual_name | | duration_time | | max_attempt | | start_datetime | | end_datetime | | questions_per_set | | unlimited | | grading_options | | created | | modified | +-------------------+
You may save this to a text file.
It is important to put table_schema as above because there could be other similar tables and thus duplicates will occur. You may also be interested in List table columns article.
Now update
UPDATE `anjing` SET `food` = 'Baong' WHERE `anjing`.`name` ='Sandy';
Show grants
mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'localhost';
Drop and copy
DROP database taik; CREATE DATABASE `tae`;
After that you mysqldump and restore to your new database.
Sometimes you need to drop tables instead of databases so you have to 'alter' it.
ALTER TABLE `student_answer` DROP `time_sent`, DROP `api_call_time`;