Posted under » JavaScript » Python on 25 July 2022
Just like PHP explode, Javascript too can make string into array
In javascript
taik = ' color'; pecah = taik.split("--"); storage = pecah[0];
Meanwhile in Python
txt = "Hi, My name is LKY, and I love you" x = txt.split(", ") print(x)
Setting the maxsplit parameter to 1, will return a list with 2 elements!
x = txt.split(", ", 1)
If there is no delimiter, you can split each char including spaces by
list("Hi, My name is LKY, and I love you")
To see the array,
print (x[0]) print (x[1]) print (x[2])
You can use split to get integers in the string
status = 'LKY is no 1 PM' pm_no = int(status.split(' ')[3])
Where the [#] is the number of spaces delimited.
Sometimes you don't have a way to split. So we have to `slice' the string which is similar to PHP substring.
txt = 'LKYinHell' print(txt[1:5])
There may be sometime you want to store array data into a string field in MySQL. eg. which is something lazy programmers do.
[ 2172, 2174, 2175, 2173 ]
To process this, you need to treat it like a JSON and convert it to array. You can do this by converting this to array
import json taikstring = '[ 2172, 2174, 2175, 2173 ]' json_object = json.loads(taikstring) print(json_object[2]) 2175
For Concate string.