Forms Class widget and interacting with database

Posted under » Django on 17 Jun 2021

From intro to Django Forms class.

If you want choices in radio button.

from django import forms

VOTE_CHOICES= [(1,'Agree'), (2,'Disagree'), ]

class VoteForm(forms.Form):
    q_id = forms.CharField(label='Question code', max_length=2)
    rating = forms.IntegerField(label='How do you feels',

If you want a hidden field

from django import forms

class VoteForm(forms.Form):
    q_id = forms.CharField(label='Question code', widget=forms.HiddenInput())

When you have to deal with database, for example, Questionnaire.

from django import forms
from .models import Questionnaire

class VoteForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
            model = Questionnaire
            fields = ('q_id', 'rating' )

    q_id = forms.CharField(label='Question code', max_length=2)
    rating = forms.IntegerField(label='How do you feels')

Note, you have to import Questionnaire. Then "(forms.ModelForm):" and the "class Meta:". Here is another example

from django import forms
from .models import Comment

class CommentForm(forms.ModelForm):
 class Meta:
   model = Comment
   fields = ('comment_text',)

 comment_text = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)

If you get "Meta.fields cannot be a string. Did you mean to type: ('comment_text',)?" error, it is because you did not put the comma at the end of comment_text.

The final step is to create the CGI for storing the POST request to the database.

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