Posted under » Django on 23 Sep 2021
REST framework requires the following:
Check our python version by
$ python
Which gives us Python 3.8. We have already installed Django under venv. Let's look at what we have installed via
$ pip list
We have Django 3.1.6. Thus we have met the requirements and continue with installing the REST framework.
$ pip install djangorestframework Successfully installed djangorestframework-3.13.1 pytz-2022.1 $ pip install markdown # Markdown support for the browsable API. $ pip install django-filter
I shall continue with my current project so I don't have to start a django website.
We have already created an app but I want to create a new one ie. napi.
$ python startapp napi
Once the folders and files are created, follow thru the URL configuration. Test that http://mysite/napi/ works.
Activate by adding 'rest_framework' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting. Add your new django app 'napi' too.
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'rest_framework', 'napi.apps.NapiConfig', ]
We have already created the Mysql database and the admin superuser.
First thing to try out is DRF Serialization.